Friday, September 3, 2021

Day 4 International Nutrition Webinar 2K21


Mrs Susheela is born and brought and brought up in orissa

She is going to talk about traditional food

Andhra has lot of rice in cultivation


most of the crop is rice based and now she is going to talk about some recipes taught by her mother

children have to eat curd and cooking at home was mandatory and ragi malt is good for bones of women


she used to make doughnuts of Indian made type using black gram. they are dipped in curd and it is nutritious for us. it is good for children and is good for their intelligence too

In old times grains were processed at home. that was exercise and good for health too and there was no need for gym


Madam says chapathi make of wheat flour, for children- pulses based flour is made as dough and add asam to it and feed


there was no ceralac previously, multigrain powder was made at home using- green gram, red gram, cashew, almond, pista etc. they used to roast, grind and make it into flour. It was initially fed in small amounts and then they used to increase dose


For adults- add dry ginger powder.. mainly ladies.. breast feeding mothers add chana based powder, sesame oiil to foods


make fresh turmeric powder that has antibiotic activity, It is good for women and also cildren

Children should avoid chips

mainly during corona they should eat good food

ground nuts and cashew are to be added to these home made snacks adding salt and chilli powder and eat as snacks

they never used refined oil, they used ground nut oil and sesame oi, while ghee is good. cow ghee is very good

Mrs Sunitha added about food in Tanzania.

In  Tanzania they use corn, Ugali is the staple food in Tanzania- boil maize corn flour in prolidge and then they prepare inchicha—with green leaves-potato and tomato

This is similar to andhras ragi snakati

Masais eat ugali- ichicha.. pure milk from cow

Milk is boiled for 8h and then they have

Here babies will run consuming milk

Mandazis- made from white flour, sugar spies, fry in oil and have as snack

Staying healthy is mimportnat than slim

Mind should be healthy

Cook food with love and affection. This will impact younger generation’

Then the 5th guest speaker Dr Prameela gave her lecture 

Dr K. Prameela- food contamination, spoilage and prevention

Importance of food- I don’t need a sliver fork to eat food. Nutrients and type of food is important

6 principles of diet-maintain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, take water

Balanced diet- has all nutrients in required amounts. This maintains health condition

This helps prevent diseases

Food has carbohydrate, protein and fats- required for energy.

Food contamination leads to illness-

Salmonella causes gastrointestinal issues

Even soil bacteria- Clostridium , if transferred to plant and then to animal causes sickness

Containers, kitch utensils also cause problem

Sheigella, noro virus, hepatitis A- may be present on utensils and cause problems

E.coli and Salmonells remains in containers for 4 hr, hepatitis- for few months

Personal hygiene and handling is important

Dioxine contaminated chickens- in fatty tissues of meat or chicken

Hormone injected cattle- can cause problems or allergies to us

Pesticides in water – can cause issue to our health

Soft drinks have pesticides. It is around 7 to 24 % high it is lindane that cause problem to us

Physical contaminants are to be removed by physical methods

Chemical contaminants- pesticides, rodenticides, herbicides, food additives, drugs, metals, and other toxins cause issues to our health

Utensils should be maintained properly.

Biological contaminants- bacteria, fungi, insects, parasites

Yogurt has probiotics

Food spoilage factors: not fit to eat

Colour, texture, smell etc will be changed by bacteria

Food poising bacteria – very dangerous can’t be detected by taste or colour.. food looks normal

Eg: salmonella appears on eggs

Low protein food- rice

All symptoms related to food spoilage bacteria and symptoms was discussed

Protozoan, fungal- aflatoxins

Chemical changes occur due to enzymes by microbes

Proper packaging is required

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