Thursday, September 30, 2021







Date- 30-09-2021                                                                               Time- 11.00 to 12.00 am



Dr. P. Mary Anupama

Dr Mousami Shankar Addala


Faculty who participated- Prof Manikya Kumari, Dr Veerabrahmam, Dr Naga Raju, Dr Manya Sree, Ms. Vishnu Priya

Students involved- Final year BBC students - 40


Coffee is one of the most loved beverages and happens to be the favourite of millions. Most of us find it really tough to kick start our day without a cup of hot coffee.

Every year on October 1, International Coffee Day is observed to celebrate and promote coffee as a beverage. This day is also celebrated to educate people about the benefits, history and popularity of coffee. The day is dedicated to appreciate millions of farmers who go an extra mile to produce coffee for us. People celebrate this day by gaining knowledge about the history of this aromatic crop, try various types of coffee and dishes made out of its beans and organise various events in coffee shops and chain outlets.

“Caffeine is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about coffee. But coffee also contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease,” says Diane Vizthum, M.S., R.D., research nutritionist for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.



1.     Recent studies found that coffee drinkers are less likely to die from some of the leading causes of death in women: coronary heart diseasestrokediabetes and kidney disease.

2.     That’s the theory behind studies that found that people who drink more coffee are less likely to get type 2 diabetes.

3.     Drinking one to two cups of coffee a day may help ward off heart failure, when a weakened heart has difficulty pumping enough blood to the body.

4.     Both regular and decaf coffee seem to have a protective effect on your liver. Research shows that coffee drinkers are more likely to have liver enzyme levels within a healthy range than people who don’t drink coffee.

5.     Dark roast coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can lead to cancer or tumors if not repaired by your cells

6.     One in 23 women develop colon cancer. But researchers found that coffee drinkers — decaf or regular — were 26 percent less likely to develop colorectal cancer.

7.     Almost two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. But the caffeine in two cups of coffee may provide significant protection against developing the condition. In fact, researchers found that women age 65 and older who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less likely to develop dementia in general.

8.     For women, drinking at least one cup of coffee a day is associated with lowered stroke risk, which is the fourth leading cause of female deaths.




Thursday, September 16, 2021

Fruit day by Department of Biochemistry

 As a part Intermediary metabolism lab, the department of Biochemistry has organized Fruit day in which the adolescent students were enlightened the need to consume Vitamin C.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Day 5, International Nutrition Webinar 2K21


Mrs R. Sunitha

It starts with cleaning utensils- using warm water

Storage of food is important

Discard expired food

Organize kitchen to find stuff neatly and it makes things easy

Never under cook or over cook food

Use perishable first. And store at right temperature

What we eat is what we are

Consume healthy food in the right time.. it is not always about physical appearance. It is all about inner appearance

Have all supplements through diet

Try to eat as many fresh vegetables as possible , reduce sugar and salts

Resource management – have perfect weight by eating healthy food- consume fe , protein, ca and all the body needs

She explained the following recipes-

1.     Mango smoothy- a seasonal fruit recipe

2.     Protein laddu- using sesame seeds with, peanuts with jaggery.

3.     Roti with Wheat flour- make it instead of buying

4.     Veggie kichadi- use veggies, moong dal and rice with tadka

5.     Mutton dum biryani- rich in protein

6.     Beans salad- rich in protein, vitamins and minerals

7.     Ragi soup- Ragi flour with vegetables

8.     Rajma masala curry- rjama has protein, ajuvain helps in digestion

9.     Ponaganti dal- a leafy vegetable with dal

10.  10. Carrot Kheer, with carrot and milk

11.  11. Soya chunks vada- with protein and flavours

12.  Avacado toast- can be made in few minutes

13.  Fruit tea- with boiled blue berries

14.  Protein dosa with moong dal

Dr Manikyakumari- food is essential for body

But it also important for immunity

People have to consume good food and not to depend onjunk food

Govt. has started poshan abhiyan which also talks about taking good food and taking care of health

Adolescent hildren avoid junk food

Women in puberty, pregnant and working women- we neglect diet

Busy schedules- lead to shift of diet practices. We have to eat right and maintain proper diet

Menstrual cycle leads to loss of iron and calcium- to replenish that we should depend on natural supplements

During covid time- people got awrenss and people started following good dietary sources intake

To support our immune system- remember health is wealth

If you want to live- have proper health and proper diet

Vitamins, mineral are available as natural supplements. So add then as part of diet

Micro and macro nutrients intake is must- through fruits and also animal sources

Consume vit. C – to get immunity

Our negligence made us susceptible and we are deprived of supplements

T and B cells, all WBC are required for immunity

Zn- helps fight pathogens. With vit C- Zn suppress inflammation in lungs and prevents viral replication

We should consume probiotics- curd and buttermilk is a must. Raised dough of idli and dosa have probiotics.

Vit E- fat soluble and anti oxidant. It will increase t lymphocyte and wbc

Well-balanced diet is important for us

Exercise is very important in our life to overcome disease and take care of physical and mental healthy

Sleep for 7 to 8 hour, drink lot os water


Friday, September 3, 2021

Day 4 International Nutrition Webinar 2K21


Mrs Susheela is born and brought and brought up in orissa

She is going to talk about traditional food

Andhra has lot of rice in cultivation


most of the crop is rice based and now she is going to talk about some recipes taught by her mother

children have to eat curd and cooking at home was mandatory and ragi malt is good for bones of women


she used to make doughnuts of Indian made type using black gram. they are dipped in curd and it is nutritious for us. it is good for children and is good for their intelligence too

In old times grains were processed at home. that was exercise and good for health too and there was no need for gym


Madam says chapathi make of wheat flour, for children- pulses based flour is made as dough and add asam to it and feed


there was no ceralac previously, multigrain powder was made at home using- green gram, red gram, cashew, almond, pista etc. they used to roast, grind and make it into flour. It was initially fed in small amounts and then they used to increase dose


For adults- add dry ginger powder.. mainly ladies.. breast feeding mothers add chana based powder, sesame oiil to foods


make fresh turmeric powder that has antibiotic activity, It is good for women and also cildren

Children should avoid chips

mainly during corona they should eat good food

ground nuts and cashew are to be added to these home made snacks adding salt and chilli powder and eat as snacks

they never used refined oil, they used ground nut oil and sesame oi, while ghee is good. cow ghee is very good

Mrs Sunitha added about food in Tanzania.

In  Tanzania they use corn, Ugali is the staple food in Tanzania- boil maize corn flour in prolidge and then they prepare inchicha—with green leaves-potato and tomato

This is similar to andhras ragi snakati

Masais eat ugali- ichicha.. pure milk from cow

Milk is boiled for 8h and then they have

Here babies will run consuming milk

Mandazis- made from white flour, sugar spies, fry in oil and have as snack

Staying healthy is mimportnat than slim

Mind should be healthy

Cook food with love and affection. This will impact younger generation’

Then the 5th guest speaker Dr Prameela gave her lecture 

Dr K. Prameela- food contamination, spoilage and prevention

Importance of food- I don’t need a sliver fork to eat food. Nutrients and type of food is important

6 principles of diet-maintain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, take water

Balanced diet- has all nutrients in required amounts. This maintains health condition

This helps prevent diseases

Food has carbohydrate, protein and fats- required for energy.

Food contamination leads to illness-

Salmonella causes gastrointestinal issues

Even soil bacteria- Clostridium , if transferred to plant and then to animal causes sickness

Containers, kitch utensils also cause problem

Sheigella, noro virus, hepatitis A- may be present on utensils and cause problems

E.coli and Salmonells remains in containers for 4 hr, hepatitis- for few months

Personal hygiene and handling is important

Dioxine contaminated chickens- in fatty tissues of meat or chicken

Hormone injected cattle- can cause problems or allergies to us

Pesticides in water – can cause issue to our health

Soft drinks have pesticides. It is around 7 to 24 % high it is lindane that cause problem to us

Physical contaminants are to be removed by physical methods

Chemical contaminants- pesticides, rodenticides, herbicides, food additives, drugs, metals, and other toxins cause issues to our health

Utensils should be maintained properly.

Biological contaminants- bacteria, fungi, insects, parasites

Yogurt has probiotics

Food spoilage factors: not fit to eat

Colour, texture, smell etc will be changed by bacteria

Food poising bacteria – very dangerous can’t be detected by taste or colour.. food looks normal

Eg: salmonella appears on eggs

Low protein food- rice

All symptoms related to food spoilage bacteria and symptoms was discussed

Protozoan, fungal- aflatoxins

Chemical changes occur due to enzymes by microbes

Proper packaging is required

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Day 3- International nutrition webinar 2K21

 Mrs Sucharitha Adi Lakshmi- feeding right and Eating right

Women in India don’t care health. Constitution says right to live and also right to eat

Women is important in family and her proper health is important

If women is healthy whole family is healthy

Hemoglobin is Important and women have 8 % in women- leads to decrease in concentration

Dept. of ministry of health- ayush- right time, right quantity, rich quality, right methods of cooking , right place- 5 Rs

Eat every 2 and half hours

Breakfast is important

Take warm water after every meal to increase digestion

Take food properly- adolescent during periods time

Every one has to do deworming

Have iron folic acid tablet

Every Thursday they provide one tablet per week

Cook for yourself and enjoy a meal

Take fruits once a week with lemon

Day 2- Guest lecture 2 for International webinar on Nutrition 2K21

The guest lecture was given by Ms. Vadarevu Sony, Asst,. Professor, Dept. of Home science, St. Joseph's College for Women, Visakhapatnam

The lecture was on Feed smart right from the start.

It covered nutritional requirement of infants and myths associated with colostrum intake and usage of honey at the very infant stage. Nutritional needs of infants and children was discussed. Carbohydrate, protein and lipid requirements along with important mineral and calorie requirements were explained. Dietary requirement of adolescent children and the changes that they face and how to overcome the changes with proper diet was explained. Queries on various dieting methods and issues that people may face was clearly explained by Ms Sony. 



  NATIONAL GIRL CHILD DAY   Date- 24 th January, 2025                                                          Time- 12.30 PM to 1.10 P...