Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Dept of Biochemistry for World Cancer Day at GITAM University

 The Department of Biochemsitry has participated with seven students from Biochemistry Minor for the Cancer Awareness Program organized in Observance of the World Cancer Day (WCD-2025) on 4th February 2025 at Dept of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, GITAM School of Sciences, Visakhapatnam.

Accompanying Faculty- Dr Mousami Shankar Addala

Students present:

Zoology 2nd year 

1. U.Tejaswi (23AK664)

2. S. Hima harshini (23AK654)

3. V. Sanjana (23AK667)

Biotechnology 2nd year

1. K.Likhitha (23AK690)

2. N.Sandhya rani (hosteler) (23AK697)

3. G.Jenthi (23AK686)

4. B.B.V. Samhitha (23AK681)

The program had lectures given by prominnet Oncologists and Surgeons. Dr B. Ravishankar , Oncoligost and Manging Director of Omega Hospitals taled on the theme united by Unique. He explained then need to create among the public on the reasons for cancer and how it could be prevented. Dr Bala Stalin Chowdary, Chief Medical Oncologit, MGCHR, Visakhapatnam has narrated the audience on the advances in diagnosis and treatment which the people need to now. Prevention is better for such disease and early diagnosis is always recommended.

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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

  Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS