Thursday, August 31, 2023

Brochure release for International Nutrition Webinar 2K23

 The brochure was release by Princiap sister Dr Sr. Shyji

St. Joseph’s College for Women(A), Gnanapuram, Visakhapatnam

Press note

International Nutrition Webinar 2K23- Brochure Release


The Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s College for Women(A) is organizing a 5 Day International Nutrition Webinar from 1st to 5th September 2023. The aim of the Webinar is to create awareness among the public from all walks of life on the need to consume healthy food. Healthy body comes from healthy mind and this is only possible if people are awareness of what is healthy food, why consuming the various types of food is important for the body. The brochure was released today and Dr Anupama, the Head of the Department of Biochemistry gave an open invitation to all the people from all walks of life to attend the webinar and get benefitted out of it. The invited lectures include talk on Nutraceuticals to Naturopathy and preparation of healthy dishes to Food for adolescence students. Dr Mousami has explained that Eminent speakers would address the expected 400 participants through Googlemeet and YouTube channel. The team of organizing committee was congratulated by IQAC coordinator Dr Sudha, PG coordinator and Senior mentor Dr Aruna Devi, Press Head and Head of 2nd Languages Departments, Dr PK Jalayakshmi, Controller of examination, Dr. Bhushanavathi,  Assistant Professor of Botany Dr Padma Sundari. On behalf of management Sr Jane and Sr Dipali joined the event. Anyone who wish to join the webinar can call 9885808345 or 7829822828 for registrations. 

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